"Vasilkivkhliboproduct" has shipped products to more than 30 countries around the world

key enterprise of the industry

The company was founded in 1905 by a German industrialist. From that moment until today, the producing team supports the traditions of flour milling, producing quality products that are in demand by many consumers, both in Ukraine and abroad.
Since 2015, Vasylkivkhliboproduct has been a part of Kulinychi Corporation,
which is one of the largest producers of bakery and confectionery products in the eastern and central regions of Ukraine.

In 2016, a global modernization of technological and warehousing equipment was carried out, resulting in:
The productivity of the wheat mill has been increased to 350 t / day.
A rye mill with a capacity of 200 tons / day was installed
A wheat granulation granulation plant has been launched.
The volume of grain storage has been increased to 100 thousand tons
The packing machine with a possibility of packing of polypropylene bags on 25-50 kg is established.
The packing machine with a possibility of packing of paper packages on 1,2,5 kg is established.
Replaced and timely calibrated car and railway scales at each site of acceptance / release of goods.
The company has its own independent laboratory, where our experts have a clear control over product quality, without the use of chemical improvers and GMOs.

Located 22 km from Kiev, the company has an excellent interchange for vehicles and its own branch of access tracks, 980 meters long.

Included in "Kulinichi"
Vasilkovkhlebbrodukt Vasilkov, st.Vladimirskaya, 22

Telephone: +38 050 344 41 03

Website development SSN Design